1 min read
Meet Ra!

Imagine being confined in a rusty old circus cage with no hope of escaping. This was the reality for ten big cats, an elephant, and horses until the Exotic Felice Rescue Center intervened. Ra and seven other cats were rescued and given a second chance at life thanks to their tireless efforts. These majestic creatures can now roam freely in a safe and comfortable environment. Their story is a testament to the power of compassion and an organization's impact on the lives of needy animals. Visit the center to witness their remarkable work firsthand and learn how you can make a difference.

The Story Told by EFRC

On a snowy morning in February, a call came in from the USDA asking us to take five tigers and three lions and assist in removing two more exotic felines and then question "Can you do that today?"

"Ten big cats must be confiscated in dusty, rusty, old circus cages. Being one of the only organizations in the country capable of taking ten large predators with no advanced notice, we headed north, crawling through a blinding snowstorm at ten mph, arriving at the rendezvous point late. There, we were met by federal and state officials and promptly escorted to the site. The federal and state officials kept the owner at a distance. At the same time, we surveyed the situation with USDA officials, and our staff began unloading three truckloads of equipment. Some of the animals loaded readily. One lion had to be immobilized, and a tiger had to be taken in her cage, afraid to leave the tightly confined space 7' square where she lived. By dark, all the animals were loaded and on their way to a new and better life. The day after their arrival, Dr. Fred Froderman, DMV, our veterinarian, examined all the animals. We scheduled a procedure the following day for Princess to remove two overgrown claws into her paw pads, causing her pain each time she took a step. Samo. One of the male tigers was missing large portions of his tail and had sores and lacerations on both legs and tail. Sanitation, antibiotics, proper diet, and a large enclosure have allowed Samo to recover."

Learn more about this wonderful organization by visiting their website at: https://www.exoticfelinerescuecenter.org/home.html

A story done by CBS Evening News: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/center-point-indiana-rescue-center-cares-for-big-cats>

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